viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

10 razones por las que no eres rico

10 (More) Reasons You're Not Rich

Many people assume they aren't rich because they don't earn enough money. If I only earned a little more, I could save and invest better, they say.

The problem with that theory is they were probably making exactly the same argument before their last several raises. Becoming a millionaire has less to do with how much you make, it's how you treat money in your daily life.

The list of reasons you may not be rich doesn't end at 0. Caring what your neighbors think, not being patient, having bad habits, not having goals, not being prepared, trying to make a quick buck, relying on others to handle your money, investing in things you don't understand, being financially afraid and ignoring your finances.

Here are 10 more possible reasons you aren't rich:

You care what your car looks like: A car is a means of transportation to get from one place to another, but many people don't view it that way. Instead, they consider it a reflection of themselves and spend money every two years or so to impress others instead of driving the car for its entire useful life and investing the money saved.

You feel entitlement: If you believe you deserve to live a certain lifestyle, have certain things and spend a certain amount before you have earned to live that way, you will have to borrow money. That large chunk of debt will keep you from building wealth.

You lack diversification: There is a reason one of the oldest pieces of financial advice is to not keep all your eggs in a single basket. Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.

You started too late: The magic of compound interest works best over long periods of time. If you find you're always saying there will be time to save and invest in a couple more years, you'll wake up one day to find retirement is just around the corner and there is still nothing in your retirement account.

You don't do what you enjoy: While your job doesn't necessarily need to be your dream job, you need to enjoy it. If you choose a job you don't like just for the money, you'll likely spend all that extra cash trying to relieve the stress of doing work you hate.

You don't like to learn: You may have assumed that once you graduated from college, there was no need to study or learn. That attitude might be enough to get you your first job or keep you employed, but it will never make you rich. A willingness to learn to improve your career and finances are essential if you want to eventually become wealthy.

You buy things you don't use: Take a look around your house, in the closets, basement, attic and garage and see if there are a lot of things you haven't used in the past year. If there are, chances are that all those things you purchased were wasted money that could have been used to increase your net worth.

You don't understand value: You buy things for any number of reasons besides the value that the purchase brings to you. This is not limited to those who feel the need to buy the most expensive items, but can also apply to those who always purchase the cheapest goods. Rarely are either the best value, and it's only when you learn to purchase good value that you have money left over to invest for your future.

Your house is too big: When you buy a house that is bigger than you can afford or need, you end up spending extra money on longer debt payments, increased taxes, higher upkeep and more things to fill it. Some people will try to argue that the increased value of the house makes it a good investment, but the truth is that unless you are willing to downgrade your living standards, which most people are not, it will never be a liquid asset or money that you can ever use and enjoy.

You fail to take advantage of opportunities: There has probably been more than one occasion where you heard about someone who has made it big and thought to yourself, "I could have thought of that." There are plenty of opportunities if you have the will and determination to keep your eyes open.

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

No te limpies la cera de las Orejas!!

Mientras a algunas personas les gusta quitarse la cera de los oidos, especialistas recomiendan no hacerlo, ya que tiene propiedades antibacterianas y lubricantes.

Reportaje completo (en ingles en>1=31036)

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Gran Canaria Fotos Antiguas

Gran Canaria. Hermosa isla! Claro que volveremos!

El desayuno mantiene a los Jovenes Delgados

Los adolescentes que toman un buen desayuno por la mañana todos los dias, pesan alrededor de 5 libras menos que aquellos que no lo hacen.
LLenar su pancita por la mañana hace que los que desayunan esten menos tentados a comer entre comidas.

Cual es la hora ideal para ejercitarse?

El mejor horario para ejercitarse, segun expertos de Long Island, es por la tarde, ya que el ritmo natural del cuerpo trabaja 20% mas eficientemente entre las 4 PM y las 5 PM

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

6 cosas que puedes hacer para bajar tu presion arterial.

6 cosas que puedes hacer para bajar tu presion arterial.

1: Deten que tu pareja ronque.
Esta comprobado que el dormir con una persona que ronca eleva la presion arterial, elevando las hormonas del stress.
Arreglo rapido: Consiguete unos tapones de oidos.

2: Sientate en una posicion recta para mantener libres las arterias.
Manten una buena posicion cuando estes sentada al televisor o en la computadora, una mala posicion pone presion a tus arterias de la espalda, elevando la presion arterial.
Arreglo rapido: Sientate en una silla con un respaldo firme y que no sea muy alta, para asi mantener tus pies planos en el piso, y dale alivio a tu espina dorsal poniendo una toalla enrollada o almohada pequeña entre el cuello y el respaldo de la silla.

3: Reduce tu coraje (esto reduce tu presion por 13 puntos)
Sentirse enojado estresad, frustado o mas.. estimula y libera la adrenalina (una hormona del stress) que eleva la presion arterial
Arreglo rapido: %0 minutos de limpieza en el hogar a demostrado en reducir la presion alrterial en 13 puntos en solo dos dias, Esta demostradi que hacer los quehaceres de la casa es el mejor ejercicio, ademas que vivir en una casa limpia, organizada reduce el estress psicologico dicen los estudiosos.

4: Cambia de Bebidas altas en sodio a Te helado.
Recientemente los estudiosos han descubierto que las mujeres que beben 4 latas de bebida cafeinada al dia (regular o de dieta) tienen un 44% mayor de riesgo de tener presion alta, los estudiosos creen que el culpable es el sodio, tambien las bebidas libres de azucar contienen hasta 75mg por porcion.
Arreglo rapido: Tienes ganas de cafeina? Mejor tomate un te. que puede reducir tu riesgo de hypertension 65% si tomas hasta 3 tazas diarias.
BONUS: reduciendo dos bebidas azucaradas diario en tu dieta puede ayudarte a perder 25 libras al año, lo suficiente para reducir la presion por 20 puntos.

5: Elige medicamentes contra el dolor "amigos" de la presion.
Tomar regularmente mas de 500 mg de acetaminofen (Tylenol) o 400mg de iboprufeno (advil, Motrin) pueden elevar tu riesgo de presion alta por un 60% O MAS!! de acuerdo a un estudio reciente.
Arreglo rapido: Quitate los dolores de cabeza y otros dolores con aspirina que puede evitar que la presion se eleve.

6: Recude los alimentos fritos
Niveles bajos de HDL (colesterol bueno) incrementa el riesgo de presion alta en un 30% demuestran los estudios, porque? cuando el colesterol bueno esta en bajos niveles las arterias se endurecen, perdiendo elasticidad que necesitan para prevenir las elevaciones.
Arreglo Rapido: Evita los alimentos fritos y empacados que contengan aceites hidrogenados o parcialmente hidrogenados, asi elevaras tus niveles de colesterol bueno hasta en un 25%

Manten tu presion en niveles bajos haciendo lo siguiente:
VISTETE BIEN: Usa ropa holgada
VE AL BAÑO: Has mucho pipi, tener la vejiga llena el eva tu presion arterial manteniendo presion en las arterias.
SIENTATE TRANQUILA POR 15 MINUTOS: Ese tiempo toma para estabilizar la presion
LEVANTA TUS BRAZOS: Debera ser al nivel del corazon, descansa tus brazos en tu regazo o en un escritorio bajo. Esto reduce tu presion en 9 puntos.

Suerte;.. Recuerda, manten la calma, olvidate de los corajes. Encierrate en tu burbuja de seguridad, que te valga madrina lo que sucede afuera. Tu eres lo mas importante en tu mundo y solo tu puedes mejorar tu sistema, tu salud y tu vida.
Recuerdalo. TU ERES LO MEJOR.